How to connect Webhook API?

The Steps are:

1. First, Create a new website and In the Connect Your CMS section, you need to choose the API option. You need to add a Webhook Callback URL. You can see the below screenshot to add API URL.

2. Now, You need to create an Order and Publish with API like the below screenshot:

3. After a few times you will see the response in the webhook URL. like below screenshot.

Success Response:

If the request is successful, you'll receive a JSON response containing an array of published post. post object in the array includes the following fields:

title: The title of the post.

body: The content/body of the post.

slug: A URL-friendly version of the title.

meta_description: Meta description for the post.

featured_image: URL to the featured image of the post.

status: The status of the post (which should be "publish" in this case).

Here's an example of a successful response with two published posts:


       "id": 1,

      "title": "This is sample title",

     "body": "This is sample body",

   "slug": "this-is-sample-slug",

 "meta_description": "This is sample Meta Description",

"featured_image": "",

"status": "draft",

"publish_at": "",
